Considering that summer is less than 60 days away, we can actually take some steps now to cut back on the cost of energy the summer.

Small and medium-sized businesses are those that can best benefit from taking certain steps now to cut back on costs.

According to an article in Entrepreneur magazine, approximately 10% of small business owners rank energy cost as their single greatest overhead cost. This is taking into consideration salaries, materials, and other costs within an organization.

In addition to the 10% of business owners that feel energy comprises their biggest cost, another 25% of businesses feel that energy is their second to third largest business cost.

Some ideas are:
  • Energy-efficient thermostats
  • Insulation
  • Energy-efficient appliances
  • Switch to LED light bulbs
  • Install high-efficiency products and appliances
  • Change business hours to accommodate high temperatures
  • Tap into utility incentives