Six Flags Great Adventure Implodes Iconic Roller Coaster

An era has ended for one of America’s most renowned roller coasters. Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township, New Jersey demolished the legendary Kingda Ka roller coaster early Friday morning. The implosion occurred before 7 a.m., approximately two hours ahead of schedule.

By 7:30 a.m., construction crews were already clearing the twisted metal debris from the site.

Anticipating public interest in the event, Jackson Township Police issued a statement Thursday night warning spectators not to disrupt traffic along the Rt. 537 corridor. Authorities emphasized that onlookers must maintain a safe distance from the implosion site, stating that trespassing attempts for closer views could result in arrest and criminal charges.

In November 2024, Six Flags announced plans to retire both Kingda Ka and the Green Lantern attractions to make way for a new “multi-world-record-breaking launch roller coaster” scheduled to open in 2026.

Since its 2005 debut, Kingda Ka had been recognized as the world’s tallest and fastest roller coaster according to Six Flags. The iconic ride propelled thrill-seekers 45 stories high and accelerated from zero to 128 miles per hour in just seconds.

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