Bethlehem, PA Church Bought by Parishioners
This month the Saint Joseph’s Church in Allentown, Pennsylvania, was purchased by a group of parishioners for $175,000.

The church had been closed since 2008, as a result of the consolidation of parishes in Allentown. The church was originally established back in 1914 when they laid a cornerstone and officially opened in 1917.

According to the criteria and terms of the sale, the church will remain a Catholic Church, still affiliated with the dioceses in Allentown, and they are required to conduct two Masses a year: one on the feast day of Saint Joseph, March 19th, and one on October 28th, the anniversary of the consecration of the church. At this particular point, the church does not have a certificate of occupancy since it needs a great deal of work.

But this church does have a great deal of history and some very loyal parishioners who want to see this church continue.

The $175,000 was provided by the James Stocklas Family Trust, which provided the entire amount. The church is historically attended by the local Slovenian/Windish community.

If you have any questions about this information or title insurance, please contact Ralph Aponte: 732.914.1400.

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