How buyers search for property 
88% of all buyers search for a home on the Internet
87% search for a home through an agent
55% search for a home from a yard sign
45% search for a home with an open house
30% search for a home through a newspaper

Only 2% of buyers purchased from a search in a newspaper

The number of Agents contacted before selecting one
66% contacted one agent before selecting them
16% contacted to agents before selecting their agent
13% contact the three agents before selecting one

Most buyers are coming from the internet
40% of buyers come from the internet
35% come from an agent
11% come from a yard sign
And 6% come from a friend

How agents market their listings
92% lists on the internet
77% use yard signs
58% use open houses
31% use newspapers
25% use magazine ads
27% use syndication sites
18% use direct mail