This New Jersey Realtors put out this report back in early 2018:

Characteristics of Home Buyers
First-time buyers made up 34% of all home buyers, a decrease from last year’s 35%.

In New Jersey, 39% were first-time buyers.

The typical buyer was 45 years old this year, and the median household income for 2016 rose again this year to $88,800.

In New Jersey, buyers were:
50 years old
A median income of $97,000
65% of recent buyers were married couples
18% were single females
7% were single males
8% were unmarried couples
56% were married couples
24% were single females
9% were single males
8% were unmarried couples

If you have any questions about this information or title insurance, please contact Ralph Aponte: 732.914.1400.

Counsellors Title Agency,, founded in 1996, is one of New Jersey’s most respected title agencies, serving all 21 New Jersey counties with title insurance, clearing title, escrow, tidelands searches, and closing and settlement services for commercial or industrial properties, waterfront properties and marinas, condominiums, townhouses or residential single family homes. Counsellors Title also features its own Attorney Settlement Assistance Program™ [ASAP], which is an individual resource customized to fit the needs specifically of real estate attorneys, including, Documentation, Preparation, Disbursement of Funds, Attendance at Closing, HUD Preparation or Post-Closing Matters.