Cousellors Title Services
Real estate is a team sport requiring the attention of numerous industry professionals all of whom contribute to the outcome of a transaction. Counsellors functions as a facilitator bringing each of the necessary parts together.
We Work With

Real Estate Professionals
We work hard knowing the myriad of challenges that may arise to delay or disrupt a transaction. Agents bring together the parts of the property transaction, and Counsellors makes sure it closes.

The Counsellors team works daily with real estate attorneys in markets across the country, handling projects of every size and financial scope through professional guidance, innovative products and service

Our Attoreny Settlement Assistance Program, [ASAP] is a real estate secretarial service that is able to assist you in every aspect of the sale, purchase, refinance or loan closing process. We will directly communicate with all the parties involved in the transaction and coordinate and obtain all the items necessary to bring the matter to closing.

Loan Officers
Counsellors understands and supports the significant role a loan officer performs as an intermediary between lending institutions and borrowers. Often it is the loan officer who acts as the personal guide throughout the mortgage process, helping select the right loan program and the sequence of application processes, providing advice and experience throughout until the loan is approved.
Get a Quote For Your Closing
Real Estate Agents
Access one dedicated person every time you call.
As no other profession, the Realtor understands the power and value of collaboration. Counsellors often foresees the various hurdles that populate any real estate transaction, and with the skill of a master craftsman, makes an often complicated property purchase an experience worth commemorating. Part of the quality of the transaction should be the expertise of the title insurance company and the agency. Counsellors understands that a smooth, surprise-free closing is in everyone’s best interest.
Agent’s Benefits with Counsellors Title Agency:
■ A dedicated person assigned to your file
■ Full service on every transaction
■ Prompt title commitments
■ Accessible
■ Knowledgeable and experienced staff
When you choose Counsellors Title for your next transaction, You will understand why Counsellors delievers 5 star every steo of the way.
Contact Ralph Aponte:
(732) 914-1400
Real Estate Attorneys – ASAP
As no other profession, the Realtor understands the power and value of collaboration. CTA often foresees the various hurdles that populate any real estate transaction, and with the skill of a master craftsman, makes an often complicated property purchase an experience worth commemorating. Part of the quality of the transaction should be the expertise of the title insurance company and the agency. CTA understands that a smooth, surprise-free closing is in everyone’s best interest.
Attorney’s Benefits with Counsellors Title Agency:
■ A dedicated person assigned to your file
■ Full service on every transaction
■ Prompt title commitments
■ Accessible
■ Knowledgeable and experienced staff
■ Real estate document preparation
■ Typically able to provide a title commitment in 24 hours
■ Web-based title delivery system
■ Interpretation services
■ Flood certification
■ 1099 reporting
■ Reconveyances
■ Recordings
When you choose Counsellors Title for your next transaction, You will understand why Counsellors delivers 5 star every step of the way.
Contact Ralph Aponte:
(732) 914-1400
Attorney Settlement Assistance Program
Counsellors Title Agency understands the demands that real estate transactions can place on attorneys’ already hectic schedule. That is why the Attorney Settlement Assistance Program™ [ASAP] was created. This program was designed with YOU, the Attorney, and your needs in mind.
Our Real Estate Secretarial Services are able to assist you in the sale, purchase, refinance or loan closing process. We will directly communicate with all the parties involved in the transaction and coordinate and obtain all the items necessary to bring the matter to closing.
Loan Officers
Counsellors Title is committed to facilitating the daunting task that is involved with the mortgage process. CTA will work alongside of customers in order to answer questions and arrange convenient closings.
Counsellors Title Agency, Inc. is a full-service title agency which provides:
- Settlement Services
- Order and Payoffs
- Order Subordinations
- Escrow Services
- Web-based Title Delivery System
- Document Recording
Counsellors Title understands the significant role a loan officer performs as an intermediary between lending institutions and borrowers. Often it is the loan officer who acts as the personal guide throughout the mortgage process, helping select the right loan program and the sequence of application processes, providing advice and experience throughout until the loan is approved.
Counsellors Title is committed to providing the consumer with the highest quality of professional service possible. As with any insurance policy, the knowledge and expertise of the members of the CTA team have processed thousands and thousands of title orders flawlessly. They are meticulous, courteous and resourceful in order to process every title order with the utmost care and speed.
When CTA is selected to provide title insurance services, our knowledgeable team of professionals makes the process of the transaction, including refinancing a smooth transaction.
- Settlement Services
- Counsellors Title Brings the Pieces Together
- Web-based online document management system
- Often providing a title commitment in 24 hours
- 24-hour ability to upload, download, email and view of all documentation, title commitments, surveys, attachments, back title and policies
- Proven knowledge in title research & all facets of closing procedures
- Committed to exceed expectations with an assiduous attention to detail
- Privately-owned and operated
- Speedy turnaround
- Rock-solid title searching
- Online quotes & estimates
For more information about custom services provided by Counsellors Title please call our home office: 732-914-1400 or email us at
GIT Informational Memos
GIT/ REP-1 – Nonresident Seller’s Tax Declaration
GIT/ REP-2 – Nonresident Seller’s Tax Prepayment Receipt
GIT/ REP-3 – Seller’s Residency Certification/Exemption
GIT/ REP-4 – Waiver of Seller’s Filing Requirement of GIT/ REP Forms and Payment
GIT/ REP-4A – Waiver of Seller’s Filing Requirement of GIT/ REP Forms and Payment for Corrected Deed with No Consideration
Form A-3128 – Claim for Refund of Estimated Gross Income Tax Payment Required on the Sale of Real Property
Additional RTF Forms
Title policy coverage includes:
• Deeds executed under false or expired powers of attorney
• Mistaken interpretation of wills and trusts
• Incorrect representation of marital status
• Undisclosed heirs
• Mistakes in recording legal documents
• Incorrect legal descriptions
• Forged deeds, releases, etc.
• Federal, state inheritance and gift tax liens
Let us take the burden of Today’s Real Estate Transaction off of your shoulders. Our goal is to provide you and your clients with a smooth, stress-free closing process. Please contact our office to discuss your options and the advantages of utilizing ASAP™ from Counsellors Title Agency.
Ralph Aponte, President
Counsellors Title Agency, Inc.
Finding the home of your dreams is the first step. The second step is getting pre-approved for a mortgage. But prudence dictates that the buyer should also find out the cost of title insurance so that when it comes time to close, the numbers work. Homebuyers usually purchase title insurance as part of closing costs.
Welcome to CTA Title ONLINE, a full service online title insurance agency, providing secured, real-time online title service for attorneys, lenders, Realtors and consumers. CTA Title ONLINE service is available at no extra charge. You can submit an order for title insurance online from the comfort of your office or home, 24 hours a day! Counsellors Title is a fully licensed and recognized Title Insurance Agency with the State of New Jersey. It addition, CTA is an exclusive agent for Old Republic International, Corp. which traces its beginnings to 1923 and is one of America’s 50 largest shareholder-owned insurance businesses. We value your business and look forward to helping you with all of your title insurance and closing matters. Please feel free to contact us by email or phone [732-914-1400] to learn more about Counsellors Title and to request an estimate for title insurance. Thank you for considering Counsellors Title, where we are committed to your protection and convenience. Ralph Aponte President & Founder
Continuing Education Events
Emerging Trends in Title: A 2 CLE credit class for attorneys
Understanding Flood Insurance & Mapping: A 2 CLE credit class
Title Search in the Next Decade: A 2 CLE credit class
Counsellors Title in the News
Freehold Office Opens
54 Hudson Street, Suite 201-B
Freehold NJ 07728.
“The opening of our Freehold office is the logical next step which underpins both the proximity to our existing client base and expanding into the growing market in Monmouth County,” stated Ralph Aponte, President of Counsellors Title Agency, Inc. “It is our desire to provide our expertise and systematic service to regions where we see growth and additional marketshare. Monmouth County has showed a great deal of resilience, especially with the number of recent listings increasing over a two-year period from 9,175 in September of 2015 to September of 2017 with 9,470 in new listings.”
Counsellors Processes 30,000 Orders
Counsellors Title Agency, Inc. announced that the agency has processed over 30,000 title orders from its founding in 1996 through March 2018.
“Counsellors Title Agency is truly New Jersey’s big little title agency. When our clients contact us, they know they are getting a powerful, systematic approach that processes requests for title in a speedy, efficient, and effective manner, without a lot of hassle. Availability is a critical element to our menu of services. The flexibility to provide closing services on-premises, off-premises, and at various particular times as it meets with a client’s needs and specifications has obviously contributed to the 30,000-order threshold,” stated Ralph Aponte, Founder.
Chatham Office Opens
400 Main Street, Chatham
The new branch is located in Chatham. The office will serve Morris and the surrounding counties. This is the second branch office opened by Counsellors Title Agency in 2017. The other branch office was opened in Freehold, New Jersey, the county seat of Monmouth County.